For more information on the exhibit,
My youngest collector! This young man is 8 years old, loves to fish and purchased his favorite redfish with his Christmas money! After we all went crazy about how cute he was, my husband snapped this photo with the camera on his phone.
My mom and my surrogate mom, Sabe Fink (my best friend's mother that I've known since I was four years old) chatting in the gallery:
My husband Marc and my uncle Danny in front of the "Featured Artist" wall.
My newest peices - a huge tarpon on a antique shutter (French Mediterranean 1890's). Also a piece that incorporates many of the subjects I often paint, but in one long artwork. It's called "Bay Bounty" and has oysters, speck, redfish and a bluecrab (also on an antique shutter).
Here's another new piece. It's the first time I've done a flounder. It was so much fun to paint! He is mounted in an antique window frame. The glass has been removed and I replaced it with vintage, reclaimed tin roofing. On the old door panel hanging below the flounder, is a speckled trout. I had three speckled trout pieces (on various mounts) and they all sold.
Here's me, in front of the wall of artwork. That represents a lot of painting hours!
Thanks so much to Mike and Kelley Lyon's (gallery owners) and Patrick M. (gallery manager) for all their hard work in set-up, refreshments, sales and just being a jovial bunch! A great time was had by all.
Me and my mom, with Mr. Kirkland in the middle.