I am introducing a new portrait style reminiscent of the early impressionists. The subjects are usually not looking at the camera, but are naturally engaged in something other than having their portrait done. The painting style is less detailed and more loose. You are able to see the brush strokes and marks made by my palette knife in the oil paint. This is a great casual portrait and a nice piece for any art collector. Here are a few of my latest paintings in this style.
"Stephen" - This little boy was playing in the sand at his bay house. When he looked up, my friend Kristin Smith (http://www.kristinsmithphotography/) got the shot. I love it because on one side, it has all the warm colors from the sunlight, on the other side, it's dark and cool.

"My Boys at FYC" - This photo was taken (again by Kristin Smith) during a formal photo shoot for our Christmas cards last year. After I let them change back into casual clothes, they were on a balcony, looking out at the sailboats at Fairhope Yacht Club. I love to paint fabric - so these t-shirts and jeans were fun! And the light in their hair is wonderful.

"Kids on the Pier" and
"Feet!" - These shots (also taken by Kristin Smith - can you tell that we work together a lot? She is an amazing photographer) are great because Mobile Bay is muted and hazy in the background, but the bright colored bathing suits "pop". I don't get to use my "lime green" paint tube very often, so this was great.

After their photo session, they got to dive in the water. Thick, white "splashes" of paint makes this one most appreciated when seen "in person".